Tag Archives: boys

The brilliance of Artemis Fowl.

Artemis Fowl series

by Eoin Colfer,

Penguin Books, Australia.


Now it’s common knowledge among fans that the boy himself, the genius anti-hero Artemis, is brilliant. However the brilliance to which I am referring is that of Eoin Colfer’s series itself.

I was forced to read the first book in the Artemis Fowl series in 2002 when I was a teacher librarian at a boys’ school in Sydney. A group of Year 8 boys persistently nagged me to read me to read a book they had loved, which they described as ‘a fantasy book about fairies’. I politely declined, explaining that I hadn’t much enjoyed reading fairy books since my childhood Enid Blyton days. After deciphering the Blyton reference, the boys persevered (as they do), so I succumbed (as I do) and took Artemis Fowl home on a Friday. I spent that evening and weekend enjoying the most gratifying young adult reading experience I’d had since Harry Potter.

Artemis Fowl, the title character, turned out to be a twelve-year-old criminal mastermind who has cunningly secured the fairies’ book of secrets, and the fairies led by Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit are out for revenge. These are not your common bottom-of- the-garden Blytonesque fairies. No, these fairies are of the weapon-toting ass-kicking variety and I loved them as much as I loved Artemis Fowl. Full of clever writing with a great plot, packed with suspense and plenty of dry humour, I knew this book would be a success.

And what a success it has been. In the ten years since my first reading, the brilliant Irish author Eoin Colfer has written another seven equally brilliant books in the series. I now work in a different school to the one where I was first introduced to my friend Artemis, but these books have been just as beloved in my current library as they were in the other. The graphic novels which are being gradually published are also hugely popular, and Colfer’s website for the series is a favourite among the boys.

And now we are at the end of the series which Colfer has referred to as “Die Hard with fairies”. The eighth and last book, Artemis Fowl and the Last Guardian, was released this week. This will be met with great sadness from my little Fowlites, but I have no doubt that like other beloved series, Artemis Fowl will be re-visited many times by its vast legion of fans.

Recommended for ages 11+

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The reality of a tragic world

The Shiny Guys

by Doug MacLeod

Penguin, Australia, 2012

This is the first Doug MacLeod novel I have read and Mr MacLeod is my new hero. I received a copy of The Shiny Guys last Friday at a professional development day hosted by Penguin and started reading it on the train on the way home. When I arrived home all chores were ignored and I devoured the rest.

Set in a mental health institution, The Shiny Guys is an intelligent and sophisticated young adult novel. It explores the complicated issues of teenage angst, depression and mental illness via beautifully crafted characters and a compelling narrative.

Colin Lapsley is fifteen years old. His family has suffered an appalling tragedy and Colin is now a patient in Ward 44, largely due to the so-called ‘shiny guys’: huge cockroach-like red men which terrorise Colin. Whilst undergoing treatment, Colin discovers a portal to a parallel world where the shiny guys actually exist. Colin shares this exciting discovery with fellow patients Mango, his trusted friend, and the newly arrived Anthea, who promisingly sees shadows which Colin senses may be his shiny guys.

The Shiny Guys will make you laugh and cry, but most of all it will break your heart. Colin is the most wonderful protagonist and reading his narrative from the comfort of one’s lounge chair, it is impossible not to feel sadness at the reality of his tragic world. Yet this novel is not a tragedy – far from it. It is a celebration of the spirit of a unique individual and an intelligent examination of the way in which the human psyche deals with grief and suffering.

The Shiny Guys would be an excellent set text for years 9 and 10. It is rich in character and plot, and the references to Kafka will generate excellent discussion and further reading.

Recommended for ages 14+

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The thrilling world of Erebos


by Ursula Paznanski

Allen & Unwin, 2012


There have been many YA books written about computer games, and the merging of the real world with the cyber world. Despite this, Ursula Poznanski manages to bring something unique to Erebos by merging the cyber world of the game (and the lives of the teens who play it) with a real life thriller.

Sixteen year old Nick Dunmore is handed a DVD by a student at his school and told that the game on it is ‘amazing’. He soon discovers this is the modus operandi of the game distributors: to surreptitiously pass the game from student to student, under very strict guidelines.

Nick installs and launches the game, agreeing to stringent conditions before gaining full admittance to the world of ‘Erebos’. The game draws him into its very realistic world, communicates with him and eerily seems to know him.

Nick, like the other players, is soon addicted but in order to stay in the game he is required to carry out tasks in the real world. This is the curious and sinister aspect of the game: the way in which it compels its adolescent participants to carry out instructions in the real world, some of which are manipulative, others of which are cruel and some of which have dire consequences.

Erebos had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. Originally written in German, the English translation by Judith Pattinson is clearly excellent as the text is both compelling and riveting. It is not hard to see why Erebos is an award winner and international bestseller.

Recommended for ages 13+

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Top 10 books borrowed by boys

We are well past the half-way point of Term 1 and it’s time to look at what the boys are borrowing in the library:

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

No surprises here. The imminent movie release has increased interest in this exciting read. I have multiple copies in the collection and still cannot meet the demand. Lots of boys have a reservation on this one too.


2. Once by Morris Gleitzman

This is driven by Year 7 interest. The younger boys have really taken to Gleitzman’s trilogy, and it’s not hard to see why – Felix is such an appealing character which softens the content matter.


3. Cabin Fever by Jeff Kinney

The latest in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid franchise, these books are always popular.


4. Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden.

I don’t think this book is ever out of the Top 10.


5. The Death Cure by James Dashner

The very brilliant final instalment in the Maze Runner trilogy.


6. Department 19 by Will Hill

This book has been hugely popular since its introduction into the collection last year. Jamie Carpenter’s story has huge appeal for teenage boys, no doubt helped by the inclusion of Frankenstein. (Read my review of Department 19 here).The interest in this franchise will only increase with the release of the next instalment The Rising.

7. The Sleepwalker by Robert Muchamore

Part of the ever popular Cherub series. Cherub needs no promotion – it sells itself through word-of-mouth advertising amongst the boys.


8. Then by Morris Gleitzman

The sequel to Once and possibly the saddest book I’ve ever read.


9. The Angel Experiment by James Patterson

The first book in the Maximum Ride franchise. This series has always been strong and continues to entice new readers. The eighth book, Nevermore, is due out in August. The boys also like the Graphic Novel adaptation of this series.


10. Artemis Fowl: the Opal Deception by Eoin Colfer

The fourth book in the Artemis Fowl franchise. This series is eternally popular with the boys and it’s no wonder. Artemis Fowl is a brilliant character: intelligent, witty and calculating. It’s a pity he’s a criminal mastermind.


This list has few surprises, but in some ways I find it a little disappointing. I love the fact that the boys are reading and embracing the wonderful series that exist in the world of Young Adult fiction, however I wish there were more new titles on the list. The Maze Runner and Department 19 were the big hits of 2011 so I can only hope that there will be some equally exciting new releases in 2012.


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The Reading Rules in action

Recently I’ve been busy with the wide reading program in the library which has made me consider the importance of the Reading Rules, in particular: No.3 Read to them, No. 5 Don’t be a snob and No. 6 Loosen your filter.

The catalyst has been a short story which I have chosen to read to the boys during the lesson. It is called The Incident and is an old favourite of mine, from Andrew Daddo’s 2002 book Sprung. The Incident is a story about two very naughty little boys who test the veracity of a helmet supposedly once owned by Luke Skywalker. The problem is that they test the helmet’s strength by dropping a brick on it – while the family dog is in it.

This incident is after the story opens with the boys already being in serious trouble – for drinking urine. They also have a distinct problem with honesty and telling the truth to their parents.

Having said all this, the story is written in such a way that the reader (or in my lesson the listener) knows that it is a humorous story and is intended purely to entertain. And it entertains in bucketloads. The boys have gasped, giggled and laughed out loud during this story and have even given applause at the end – a high compliment for high school boys at the end of a lesson.

There are many boys in my lessons who began the year saying they did not enjoy reading or indeed did not enjoy anything much at all about books. But by reading to them and loosening my filter to read something that many teachers would think lacks literary merit (or any merit at all), I am teaching the boys that reading can be fun. And at no point in the lesson has there has been any literary snobbery at all.

I see the results of my efforts in the wide reading program on a daily basis. Not only are the borrowing figures of the boys sky high (1,000 more books borrowed than at this time last year), yesterday I saw two boys who have previously wandered aimlessly around the library actually sitting down engrossed in their books: one was reading I am Number Four, another The Power of Six – both books I have read and promoted to the boys in wide reading lessons.

Everything I do to encourage reading comes back to the core rules and they really do work. There is nothing more satisfying to me than seeing a reluctant reader with a book in hand and enjoying the experience. The Reading Rules really do work, especially if you remember Rule No. 10 – don’t give up.

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A beautiful coming-of-age story

When We Were Two

by Robert Newton

2011, Penguin, Australia


This is a beautiful coming-of-age novel. Set in country New South Wales, during the early part of the twentieth century, it tells the story of Dan who leaves his abusive father in search of his mother. He has barely begun his journey when he is joined by his younger brother Eddie and the family dog Bess. Eddie clearly has an intellectual disability and Bess is ill, thus Dan is unwilling to include them on his trip, however he soon succumbs to Eddie’s insistence and the trio begin their long journey.

The relationship between the brothers is immediately clear. Dan is Eddie’s champion and protector, taking on his brotherly role with tenderness and understanding. Eddie looks to Dan for guidance, strength and succour. It is obvious that both boys have suffered deeply at the hands of their cruel father.

Their journey is punctuated by meeting various characters on the road, some honourable like the Chinese gold seeker Ah Ling, others not so noble. The pivotal point in the story comes when the boys meet a small group of men marching to the coast to enlist as soldiers in the Great War. Dan and Eddie join this cluster of men, becoming a part of the small clique. During the ensuing journey they learn about the innate gentleness and kindness of good men and ultimately about acceptance and belonging.

The main themes of this book are love and loyalty. Dan, whilst burdened with guilt about Eddie’s disability, displays unselfish love and devotion to his younger brother. The relationship between the two brothers is beautiful, and Dan’s ability to provide gentle, selfless love is surprising given the role model he has had. Dan explains this by suggesting that it was his father who taught him what not to be: “Whenever a mean streak got hold of him, my father taught me kindness, and whenever he hated, he taught me love”. The men in the marching group are all affected by Dan’s guileless love. Despite this sensitivity and the gentle treatment of his brother, Dan is tough and stoic where necessary, never making excuses or shirking responsibility and as such is an excellent role model for modern young men.

Robert Newton is a talented writer. The narrative flows effortlessly and the reader is able to piece together the back story of the boys whilst being fully immersed in the current plot. Newton creates believable characters in an authentic historical context with settings, descriptions and language evoking the era in which the novel is set.

Recommended for ages 12+

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Top 10 adventure authors for teens

There is nothing guaranteed to get a teenager reading more than an exciting, action-packed thriller. The authors in this list have written the page-turners; the books which are full of suspense and adventure, and which grow in popularity through word of mouth promotion.

There is a prevalence of British authors in this list, as well as an abundance of ex-military heroes. Another commonality is the theme of orphaned children being recruited by government agencies to work as spies – aspiring authors take note.

It is important to remember Reading Rule no. 5 here – this is simply a list of authors known to get teens reading. It does not pretend to be a list of classic authors, nor do these authors pretend to be writers of great literature.

1. Matthew Reilly.

Reilly is the master of the action packed adventure story. Teenagers (especially boys) devour his books, which are full of non-stop action and leave the reader quite breathless. Reilly’s latest book, Scarecrow and the Army of Thieves, has just been released and continues the adventures of his popular hero Captain Shane Schofield.


 2. Anthony Horowitz

Horowitz is the author of the popular Alex Rider books which follow the winning formula of orphaned teenager with special skills being snapped up by the government to work as an undercover operative. Horowitz is a great story teller and Alex Rider is an extremely popular hero with teens.

3. Andy McNab

McNab is one of a number of ex SAS members who now make their living as authors. His non-fiction book Bravo Two Zero was a huge success and McNab now writes fiction as well, featuring the character Nick Stone who is an ex SAS operative working for British Intelligence

4. Robert Muchamore

Muchamore is the author of the hugely popular Cherub series, about a secret British spy organization which employs children as spies.  His other series, the Henderson Boys is set during World War II and deal with the creation of the Cherub organization. The Cherub series is one of the most popular in recent years.

5. Robert Ludlum

Ludlum needs no introduction. The Bourne Identity is an extremely popular thriller written in 1980. It has stood the test of time, no doubt assisted by the 2002 film starring Matt Damon.  The sequels The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum have also proven popular. Despite Ludlum’s death in 2001, the franchise has continued with other books in the series written by Eric Van Lustbader.

6. Tom Clancy

I always know when books are particularly popular in the library as they need regular repair and eventual replacement. Clancy’s books have fallen into this category in every library I’ve worked in. The most popular Clancy books are those about Jack Ryan ex-Marine and CIA operative, such as Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger.

7. Chris Ryan

Yet another British ex SAS turned author. The One That Got Away is his account of the Bravo Two Zero mission that he, like McNab was a part of in the first Gulf War. Ryan has written two series for teens: Alpha Force and Code Red. His current series for teenagers is Agent 21, which is about an orphaned teenager seconded by the government to work as a spy.

8. Lee Child

Child is the author of the hugely popular Jack Reacher novels. For a change of pace, Reacher is not ex SAS, rather he is a former military policeman. There are sixteen Jack Reacher novels, with the ninth in the series One Shot currently being made into a movie.

9. Dan Brown

Teenagers, especially boys, really enjoy the Dan Brown books. Clearly they enjoy the action and suspense, but they also really enjoy the treasure hunt aspect of them.

10. Vince Flynn

Flynn writes political adventure thrillers, and I’ve heard him referred to as the thinking person’s Matthew Reilly.  Flynn’s hero is Mitch Rapp, undercover CIA counter-terrorism agent.

Update: Special mention to Joe Craig for all the fans of the Jimmy Coates series.


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How many of these books have your kids read?

Dymocks recently published its list of the Top 51 books for kids. You can see the original list here with recommended reading ages.

I’ve added a few annotations to the list – how many books on the Top 51 list have you and your children read?

 1. The Harry Potter series. J. K. Rowling.

First place is really no surprise and reflects the popularity, quality and longevity of the Harry Potter series. (The first book was released fourteen years ago). Perhaps these are the reasons why the Harry Potter books also rate a mention on nearly every one of my Top 10 lists .

2. The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Eric Carle.

A classic picture book first published over forty years ago. It should be on the bookshelf in every child’s room.

3. The Very Bad Book. Andy Griffiths

This is classic Andy Griffiths, and definitely a book that to which some parents and teachers will need to apply Reading Rule no.6  – loosen your filter.

4. Where is the Green Sheep? Mem Fox & Judy Horacek

This is a great book to teach younger children that despite external differences we are all the same.

5. The Vampire Academy novels. Richelle Mead.

These books are extremely popular with teenage girls which is clearly reflected by their place in this list. They also hold third place in my Top 10 books for teenage girls .

6. The Hunger Games trilogy. Suzanne Collins.

This is a fabulous series, equally popular with girls and boys. The much anticipated movie release due in 2012 will only serve to heighten both the awareness and popularity of the book.

7. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Jeff Kinney.

Hilarious for all ages and great for sharing at bedtime.

8. Anne of Green Gables. Book 1. L. M. Montgomery.

A classic novel with a delightfully clever and precocious protagonist.

9. Possum Magic. Mem Fox.

One of the more famous Australian picture books. This is the book I send friends overseas when they have a baby.

10. The Tomorrow series. John Marsden

This series makes my Top 10 books for teenage boys and my Top 10 books in the library lists. It is one of the most popular literary series for YA ever written in Australia.

11. Where the Wild Things Are. Maurice Sendak.

A powerful picture about the magnificence of childhood imagination.

12. The Twilight Saga. Stephenie Meyer.

Put aside your literary snobbery (Reading rule no. 5) and celebrate a series that has sold over 100 million copies and got kids around the world reading.

13. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Roald Dahl.

Pure Dahl genius combining every child’s fantasy with a message about honour and integrity.

14. Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes. Mem Fox.

Published only a few years ago, this has quickly become a new Mem Fox classic.

15. The Chronicles of Narnia. C. S. Lewis

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the first and best known of this seven book series. Fantasy at its best.

16. The Magic Faraway Tree. Enid Blyton.

Children of all ages just adore Moonface, Silky and the Saucepan Man.

17. Goodnight Mr Tom. Michelle Magorian.

A beautiful book set in wartime England.

18. Green Eggs and Ham. Dr Seuss.

Loved by all ages, this is the first of a few mentions of books by the celebrated Seuss.

19. The Percy Jackson series. Rick Riordan

This refers to the first series of five books, loved by boys and girls alike. The second series, Heroes of Olympus is proving equally as popular.

20. The Ruins of Gorlan. Book 1 of the Ranger’s Apprentice series. John Flanagan.

This fantasy series has eleven books in it, with another due out in November 2011. Very popular with teenage boys.

21. The Cherub series. Robert Muchamore.

The most recent book in this series is currently the third most borrowed book in the library. I have trouble keeping this series on the shelves.

22. Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy. Lynley Dodd.

The very popular picture books about a lovable dog and his friends.

23. The Gruffalo. Julia Donaldson

Another picture book about the power of childhood imagination. Fantastic rhyming.

24. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll.

Always popular, even before Johnny Depp became the Mad Hatter.

25. Artemis Fowl. Book 1. Eoin Colfer.

Artemis Fowl is a 12 year old criminal mastermind. These books have great plots and terrific humour.

26. The Mortal Instruments series. Cassandra Clare.

This series is extremely popular with the boys in the library.

27. We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. Michael Rosen.

A fantastic picture book for reading aloud (Reading rule no.3). This was a favourite in our house when our children were little.

28. Winnie-the-Pooh. A. A. Milne

A favourite of children and adults everywhere.

29. Wombat Stew. Marcia K. Vaughan.

Like Possum Magic, this is another classic Australian picture book, a modern folktale.

30. Obernetwyn. Book 1. Obernetwyn Chronicles. Isabelle Carmody.

Classic fantasy, and in my experience more popular with girls than boys.

31. The Complete Adventures of Snugglepot and Cuddlepie. May Gibbs

This book has never been out of print and contains the most beautiful illustrations in Australian literary history.

32. Stormbreaker. Book 1. Alex Rider series. Anthony Horowitz.

I love the Alex Rider books. Alex is intelligent, decent and funny.

33. Dear Zoo. Rod Campbell.

A picture book for early readers, great for reading aloud.

34. Diary of a Wombat. Jackie French.

I laughed out loud the first time I read this book. A picture book for all ages about a wombat with serious attitude.

35. Oh, the Places You’ll Go. Dr Seuss.

More classic Seuss. No explanation necessary.

36. Grug. Ted Prior.

Over thirty years old, this story set in the Australian bush is still a favourite.

37. Guess How Much I Love You. Sam McBratney

A beautiful book which has become a worldwide phenomenon selling over 18 million copies. I even have a copy in German.

38. Hush, Hush. Becca Fitzpatrick

This book is for teenage girls who enjoyed the Twilight series. It meets the needs of the current interest in the paranormal.

39. Treasure of the Emerald Eye. Book 1. Geronimo Stilton. Geronimo Stilton.

An adventure story for primary aged children.

40. Wolves of Mercy Falls series. Maggie Stiefvater

Fantasy romance series about (in the words of the author) “werewolves and kissing”.

41. The Cat in the Hat. Dr Seuss

My all time favourite Dr Seuss. I learned it off byheart as a child and can still recite most of it. I must have driven my parents mad. 

42. The Hobbit. J. R. R. Tolkien.

Lord of the Rings is more popular in the library, but The Hobbit is an all-time classic.

43. The Witches. Roald Dahl.

Dahl’s witches are the original and the best.

44. Zac’s Moontrip. Book 1. Zac Power Test Drive. H. I. Larry

Primary school boys love Zac Power.

45. Maze of Bones. Book 1. The 39 Clues. Rick Riordan.

Whilst this series hasn’t taken off in the library, it has been incredibly popular elsewhere. Riordan knows how to write great mystery and adventure.

46. Each Peach, Pear Plum. Janet and Allan Ahlberg

A more stylish Where’s Wally, where children read the poem for clues to help them find a character hiding in the illustration.

47. The B.F.G. Roald Dahl

The third Roald Dahl on the list. He is the original and one of the best.

48. The Tale of Peter Rabbit. Beatrix Potter

Peter Rabbit is so cheeky, and Mr McGregor is the classic cranky farmer. Accompanying the entertaining story are the beautiful and very famous illustrations.

49. Magic Beach. Alison Lester

Alison Lester is a prolific writer of picture books and a  favourite of teachers who love her work. This book explores the perfect beach.

50.Little Women. Louisa May Alcott

This book has stood the test of time due mainly to the character of Josephine March who makes my list of Top 10 heroines for girls.

51. Five on Treasure Island. Book 1. Famous Five. Enid Blyton.

I am so glad that the Famous Five made this list! Every child should read adventures involving smugglers and spies, washed down by lashings of ginger beer.

It’s a well-rounded list including a mixture of the old and the new; books for early readers, primary school children and young adults. Adults too actually, as I’ve read most of them. The ones I haven’t are now on my list.

How many have you read?

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By George, Gus has got it.

Whippersnapper by Felice Arena.

Penguin, Australia 2011.

Whippersnapper is the story of 14 year old Gus, basketball player and nice guy, who is involved in a strange accident which sees him switching bodies with 71 year old George. This Freaky Friday-style plot is hardly new, and with its basketball theme, Whippersnapper is very reminiscent of the Zac Effron movie 17 Again. However, the familiarity of the plot will make this book very accessible to younger readers, particularly reluctant readers.

At 180 pages this is a fairly easy read for upper primary and lower secondary students. Gus is a likeable character who suffers the obvious struggles any teenage boy would have with being an old man, choice of fashion being just one issue. The basketball competition provides an exciting backdrop to the plot, creating excitement and suspense.

Despite the lack of originality in the plot, Whippersnapper is an extremely enjoyable read. I laughed out loud in the scene where Gus (as George) realises he has to go to bed with his 70 year old wife Doris.

Felice Arena is the author of the very popular Specky Magee series. In Whippersnapper he delivers another fun, humorous and easy-to-read book which will be enjoyed by both boys and girls.

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Top 10 heroes for boys

Whilst these heroes come from fiction that is classed by publishers and booksellers as “boys” fiction, the characters I have chosen are champions for both boys and girls.

To me, a hero is someone with many qualities. A hero displays bravery of course, but humility as well. A hero is intelligent but self-deprecating at the same time. A hero is industrious and enterprising, with an excellent sense of humour. Above all, a hero in a boy’s book must be entertaining.

My top 10 heroes for boys fulfil some or all of these qualities:

1. Harry Potter (by J. K Rowling)

Harry is brave and resourceful, yet he is far from perfect. He is not a particularly good student and is shy around girls. He makes enemies and he makes mistakes. Yet he is a true friend, both loyal and honourable.

2. Alex Rider (by Anthony Horowitz)

Unlike Harry, Alex is intelligent and pretty cool. He can speak other languages, is pretty handy with weapons and other devices and is great with the funny one liner.

3. Shane Schofield aka Scarecrow (by Matthew Reilly)

Scarecrow is a legendary Marine and revered by teenage boys everywhere.

4. James Adams (by Robert Muchamore)

The protagonist from the first twelve Cherub novels, James is intelligent, good looking and successful with the girls. He is a bit of a lad, which contributes to his appeal.

5. Greg Heffley (by Jeff Kinney)

Greg is the narrator of the successful Wimpy Kid franchise.I think kids love Greg so much because he is an “everykid”. He may lack many or all of the talents of the heroes in this list, but what he lacks in sophistication he makes up for in sheer determination and heart.

6. Percy Jackson (by Rick Riordan)

There is something very appealing and alluring about a boy who is also a half-god. Maybe this is why girls especially love the Percy Jackon series.

7. Biggles (by W.E Johns)

What’s not to love about this timeless young pilot and adventurer?

8. Artemis Fowl (by Eoin Colfer)

Yes, I know he’s a criminal mastermind, but he is such an entertaining one. Artemis has the mind of a man in a child’s body.

9. Huckleberry Finn (by Mark Twain)

Huck is brave, independent and quick-witted. Despite overcoming adversity he retains an appealing innocence.

10. James Bond (by Ian Fleming)

007 needs no explanation. A special mention to the Young Bond books by Charlie Higson, which follow James’ life from his teenage years.


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